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Stasio Jucevičiaus fondas

Fund group:
Fund protector: Kanados lietuvių muziejus-archyvas (Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada)
Fund number: CA ON00161 631
Chronological limits: 1981-2004

Stasio Jucevičiaus fondas

The fonds consists of a certificate and medal presented to Stasys Jucevičius by the Yad Vashem in Israel for saving the family of Zeva and Riva Michnovski during the German occupation of Lithuania during World War II, photographs of presentation of certificate and medal to Stasys Jucevičius and photocopy of entry about Stasys Jucevičius from "Lietuvos kaiuomenės karininkai 1918-1953: IV tomas" (Soldiers of the Lithuanian Army 1918-1953: vol. 4), published 2004 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Kontaktai: El. paštas info@klb.org , klb@on.aibn.com Tel. Nr. 416 533 3292.

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Registration Of Records Database
