en es pt

Jono Margio fondas

Fondo grupė:
Fondo saugotojas: Kanados lietuvių muziejus-archyvas (Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada)
Fondo nr.: CA ON00161 591
Chron. ribos: 1926-1988

Jono Margio fondas

The fonds contains: Lithuanian passports of Antanas Margevičius and Kotrina Margevičienė, parents of Jonas Margis; Canadian immigrant identification card for Kotrina Margevičienė; photo from the funeral of Anthony (Antanas) Margis; 1936 St. Michael's College "The Thurible"; list of candidates for election in 1995 for the council members for the Lithuanian Canadian Community's Toronto chapter; certificates of thanks for donations to Tautas Fondas (Lithuanian National Foundation) in 1974-1977, 1988.

Kontaktai: El. paštas info@klb.org , klb@on.aibn.com Tel. Nr. 416 533 3292.

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